Tuesday 3 January 2012

Scotland's Drowned Village

A few years ago I was asked by a group of Americans staying at a Glasgow Hotel to see if I could take them on a tour of Bothwellhaugh, where their family came from, I was intrigued and did some research, and found that Bothwellhaugh no longer existed, and only the Cemetary still exists.

The village was built between 1880 and 1900 to house workers at the Hamilton Palace Colliery. The mine was decommisioned in the late 1950's and th village demolished, and is now buried beneath a lake in Strathclyde Country Park. I have merories of seeing the village from a car travelling on the carlisle Road in the 1960's, the vilage then looked very dilapidated.

Here is a link  to a video TheLost Village of Bothwellhaugh -


More information about Bothwellhaugh can be found at  http://www.iwitness.btinternet.co.uk/bothwellhaugh/contents.htm


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I visited this place last week to see where my father was born. I was brought up in Rugby and all I knew about him, till recently, was his name and he was from Glasgow. I never knew him, and we found him by DNA !
